Schools around the world

Professor Jiménez - Colorado Boulder University
September 5th, 2021
Flag of Argentina

Buenos Aires Province orders 34 000 CO2 monitors for schools

Sept 7th, 2021

Flag of Belgium

The new guidelines will also recommend schools equip classrooms with CO2-metres which would help staff keep track of whether a room is being appropriately ventilated.

Weyts said that schools will receive support and information regarding the purchase of a CO2 metre as well as other equipment to better control and monitor their environments when school starts back up on 1 September.

Aug 27th, 2020

Flag of Canada
Montreal Times - Quebec CO2 Monitors

Aug 11th, 2021

Flag of Germany

The German government is investing €500m (£452m; $488m) in improving ventilation systems in public buildings to help stop the spread of coronavirus.

Funding is also available for CO2 sensors which indicate when the air in a room is unhealthily stale. 

Oct 19th, 2020

Flag of United Kingdom
UK Press Statement - CO2 Monitors for schools

The majority of 300,000 monitors will become available over the autumn term, with special schools and alternative provision prioritised to receive their full allocation from September given their higher-than-average numbers of vulnerable pupils.

Aug 21st, 2021

Flag of Ireland
Irish Times - CO2 Monitors for Schools

The majority of 300,000 monitors will become available over the autumn term, with special schools and alternative provision prioritised to receive their full allocation from September given their higher-than-average numbers of vulnerable pupils.

Aug 21st, 2021

Flag of Spain
University of Seville

May 20th, 2021

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